Filled Under:
To be a teacher means to touch the heart rather than the head.
To be a teacher means to touch the heart rather than the head.
Teaching others means being subtle and explaining in such a
way that the mind opens because the heart has understood. The one who
truly teaches inspires rather than just becoming the one who teaches
others. There is recognition of the positivity that is in each one and so no
comparisons are made with others.
Once I am able to look at the positivity in another individual and
have the pure desire of enabling progress within that person, I am able to
feel the love for him. This is like a parent's love whose love for the child is
that which makes him grow. So I become a teacher who inspires rather than
the one who teaches.
Staying Power
When you have staying power, you have the stick-at-it-iveness. Like a
postage stamp, you're able to stick at one thing until you get there. So,
even when there are lots of mini-failures, don't stop! Use your strength,
energy and focus to steer your way through the obstacles, and stay with it.
Use perseverance and somewhere along the road 'success' will show up.
The Three Root Causes Of Anger
We are at war with our self when we fail to make the world do
exactly what we want, or we believe we have let our self down. An
e.g. of a war with one self is - Suppose you are standing in a queue waiting
for your chance to arrive, only to discover an hour later, just when your
chance is about to arrive, that the time for the counter to close has come
and the counter has closed. You get upset, but with whom? Perhaps the
person at the counter at first and may be with the other people in the queue
and then with yourself, for not having found out the time of closing of the
counter. There are two failures that make you uneasy here. First you failed
to ask someone early enough, which would have saved you the hour time
loss. Second, you failed to control your emotions of anger. Although you
might not externally admit that you failed, inside you know. Because of
these two failures, you then start to get angry with yourself. The thought
pattern that goes inside your mind: to fail is to lose, to lose is to be
sorrowful, to be sorrowful causes me to become angry, as you look for an
external cause of your sadness which, in this case, is initially the person at
the counter and the other people in the queue (who would have known the
time of closing and could have told you). So you demonstrate to others your
justified anger towards them. But deep inside you know it is you yourself
that has made you sorrowful.
As the anger builds up inside you, again, after a while, you find someone
else outside on whom you vent out your anger. You seem to feel better as a
result, but it's only temporary.
The next time you become angry;
interrupt the pattern of your anger by asking yourself two simple
questions: Who are you fighting a war with? Answer: Yourself.
Who is suffering the most due to the war? Answer: Yourself. And
if your anger is directed at yourself for your own supposed
failure then just tell yourself, "There is no such thing as failure,
only a different result from the one that I expected and results
are not going to be exactly as I want, expect or desire. That is a
rule of the game of life."
It's a wonder how God manages to be so enchanting since none of His uniqueness can be attributed to the parameters human beings normally
associate with an attractive personality such as etiquette, education,
fashion sense, social contacts etc. Though God's purity, wisdom,
power, love... are intangible, when I am soul-consciousness I get
exposed to God's unparalleled magnetism. The more I stay in this
spiritual magnetic field, my mind and heart experience a slow but
permanent change by appreciating myself and others for more than
physical qualifications
Topics For Meditation Thought Commentaries
Here are a few thoughts or themes for meditation to help you:
• Like stars shine to bring light during the night, I am a spiritual being of
radiant light, like a star in the night sky, reflecting and radiating spiritual
light in the present spiritual darkness of the world night. The, light, which
emanates from the heart of me is peaceful and loving. It touches each and
every being in the world. It is my gift to the world.
• I am just a tiny point of pure energy, of light, situated at the center of the
forehead. And within that tiny point lie all my thoughts, feelings, emotions,
attitudes, beliefs and my personality traits. Within the point of light that I
am, lie all the qualities of spirit that I have - I am a source of love, peace,
power and wisdom for others.
I am a conscient, miniscule point of energy, at the center of the forehead
and I am instrumental in making this body work. This body may be heavy
and big as compared to me, but I the soul am so light, and free that I can
almost fly. I experience bliss as the soul releases itself from the bondage of
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