Wednesday, November 21, 2018

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The Benefits Of Meditation

The Benefits Of Meditation

love and happiness

meditation gives the intellect the power to select those positive
sanskaras which lead to the higher emotions, calm and clear thoughts, and
the pure desire to enjoy life in such a way that no sorrow is experienced for
the self and no sorrow is given to others.

The practitioner of meditation calms the mind and experiences sanskaras
which in most people surface only occasionally as they are deeper than the
superficial (shallow) memories of worldly experiences.

These are the pure
and powerful sanskaras relating to the original nature of the soul - peace,
purity, power and contentment. Consciousness (the soul) has the same
property as light; a powerful force with distinct qualities yet having no
gravitational mass. In fact, the only pull or burden on the soul is the
result of its own impure thoughts and negative actions.

The practitioner of meditation calms the mind and experiences sanskaras
which in most people surface only occasionally as they are deeper than the
superficial (shallow) memories of worldly experiences.

 These are the pure
and powerful sanskaras relating to the original nature of the soul - peace,
purity, power and contentment.

Consciousness (the soul) has the same
property as light; a powerful force with distinct qualities yet having no
gravitational mass. In fact, the only pull or burden on the soul is the
result of its own impure thoughts and negative actions.

                                 love and happiness

When the above mentioned original sanskaras are experienced then love
and happiness are also experienced automatically.

After some regular
practice, the practitioner has the intellectual power to consciously emerge

these sanskaras into daily life at any time. In a situation which would lead
most people to experience negative moods or emotions such as fear,
depression, anxiety, boredom, fatigue, hatred or aggression

the practitioner becomes detached and emerges the inner powers of
contentment and tranquility (peacefulness). This of course is beneficial not
only for the self but also to others.

When I am able to maintain a balance between being master
and a child, I am able to experience constant happiness I am able to put
forth my creative ideas with confidence. Yet I am not upset when someone
criticizes my ideas. On the contrary, I am constantly learning and moving
forward. So I constantly experience success.

To have the right balance means to know when to be a master
and when to be a child. When one gives an idea or makes a contribution, it
is as a master - with total authority. But while the idea is heard by others
and is being criticized I become a child. There is no attachment to the idea,
but the mind is open to receive new thoughts in order to enrich what is
already there.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but transformed into other energy forms.

Energy follows a direction in its constant movement. In a

spontaneous way, it tends to go from a concentrated state into a state of

expansion. For example, after a while a full glass of hot water goes cold.

This is a law of physics according to which all things tend to go from a highenergy

state to a low-energy state. Applying these principles to the area of

our conscience, our thoughts and feelings, we can discover similarities to

these laws. When our thoughts (which are metaphysical (non physical)

energy are focused on the outermost layers of our conscience, towards the

external world (objects, possessions, people and so on), our creative

capacity decreases, weakening us on entering into this expansion and not

having sufficient power (concentrated energy) to take on negative

situations and circumstances that we are faced with.

On the other hand, if we focus on our intrinsic, original and genuine
qualities (peace, love, power) we accumulate more energy and our inner
strength can grow. This means that we are capable of creating, of having
more willpower and, therefore, strengthening our self-esteem. Positive
thoughts are a high-frequency vibration that transports a great deal of
concentrated energy, capable of influencing the atmosphere and the
consciences of other people in a subtle way, transforming any negative

Negative thoughts are a low-frequency vibration that causes the
energy to become dissipated. They weaken and block communication. They
destroy harmony (peace).

Since the relationship
between soul and body is intimate and powerful, anything the body
experiences (be it intake of food or contact with physical world) will
affect the soul. If the environment I live in is physically and
spiritually pure, it is easier for me to increase my soul power.

Many of us don't like to be 'superstitious' but in some way or
the other we all tend to believe in the influence of objects, omens,
places or destiny... An intellectual mind usually discards such notions
saying nothing external can really influence the human spirit. However,
spirituality shows us a balanced approach: although nature and physical
objects/places are inanimate, the thoughts and feelings experienced by
human souls permeate the environment and remain.


 Stop, Listen and Decide

When making decisions it's important to listen to your heart, your conscience, your intuition. It's also useful to look to others for inspiration. Keep an open mind when listening to the advice of others but follow your heart. Others may have an interesting perspective, but it's your life. At the end of the day, you and only you are responsible for all your decisions.