Importance of meditation in our life
Meditation adds immense value and depth to my relationships. It also brings closeness in them. Many obstacles and barriers, both on a physical as well as a subtle level, come between me and others when my consciousness and as a result, my perception are struck primarily in the physical dimension.
If I hardly know five to ten per cent of myself, and that too mostly on the surface, my relationships are going to be similarly superficial.
With my self-respect built on very weak foundations, it will tend to be delicate and I'll be prone to trying to maintain it by thinking about and focusing my energies on others' weaknesses, sometimes real and sometimes even imagined. I'll also find it hard to realize and appreciate their qualities. Such is the state of so many human relationships today.
In meditation, I go into the depths of myself, and deep within my inner being, I find the beauty of peace, love and happiness that is there inside me. I also realize that this same beauty lies inside each soul. Then naturally and very easily, without any effort, I get connected to the same qualities in others
. I also find the strength to do the same. I am no longer judgmental seeing others' temporary sanskaras of negativity. I find qualities that are basically there inside every soul: the original qualities or sanskaras of each spiritual being. It's like a basic prototype for the whole of humanity, which I deeply see and realize.
How do you meditate for 10 minutes?
Experience the stage of being a detached observer by gradually creating the following thoughts:
I am aware of the present moment and of time... The whole world is out
there... I let go for a moment of what is happening around me... It is as if
the world continues to turn, but I have stopped for a few minutes and
turned into an observer... Mentally, I take a step back... I look around me as
if I were in the inside of a room... the room of my mind... In this place, I can
be with myself... at peace... calm... free... Here I do not have pressures, or
worries, or fears... Nothing and nobody can influence me... I can think... see
things as they really are...
I am sitting like an observer, seeing through two windows... These windows are my eyes... I am not my eyes... I am aware of who is looking through these eyes, a tiny sparkling star like energy, the soul... I am different from everything I am seeing... I perceive that separation between the observer and the observed... I observe the things that surround me without judging, without analyzing... I simply observe, remaining at peace with myself...
I see this world as a stage of a great unlimited theatre play... each human being is an actor, a soul playing their own role via their physical body... I simply observe from my inner room... things come and go... nothing is permanent... I do not need to worry about anything or anybody... I let things be... flow... I am at peace... calmed... I share this vibration of peace with all that surrounds me.
How do you meditate at home?
The soul needs strength to deal effectively with day to day situations, as demanding as they are, and yet be able to pack up useless thoughts; to be able to take time out for itself, to store the power of peace from the Ocean of Peace. If the soul does not recharge itself it will lose the courage and enthusiasm. We need the strength to continue the fight for right, even though the forces of wrong grow strong.
If God were literally omnipresent and thus in every atom, where is this love, peace, joy and wisdom? Are they present in every atom in this human world?
If God is present inside me, how could ignorance have come to me in the first place?
Can ignorance come to God? If God is omnipresent to where or to whom do I turn my thoughts?
Just as a radio transmitter emanates waves throughout the world and a receiver, if tuned in,
will pick them up, so too if the mind is tuned totally to the material world and physical activities, then I am unable to experience God practically in my daily life. Even though He always radiates His qualities, I can only pick up those transmissions if I am soul-conscious and if I turn my thoughts in His direction to His location.
If God were omnipresent, there would be no meaning to the tradition throughout all cultures to have special places set aside (e.g. temples and churches) for worship. In those special places, is God more omnipresent than in other non-sacred places? If God were omnipresent, are the ones who are so-called "God-realized beings" more "God" than the ones who have not realized?
Determination fills a thought with power.
Any thought which is added with determination automatically brings confidence. This confidence naturally fills the thought with power. When there is the thought, 'I can do it', there is surely the power to do it. Then there are no distractions, nor is there any comparison with others. All resources are put to the maximum use and the task is accomplished.
When I am able to fill my positive thoughts with the power of determination, I am able to bring all my special thoughts and plans into action immediately. I am able to feel the satisfaction of bringing equality into my thoughts, words and actions. There is no feeling of helplessness, but there is only confidence and courage in doing what I am supposed to do.
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