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The power of God's love brings about change internally.
Through His love everything old and unwanted finishes. There is the
natural tendency to bring about such perfection that the one who loves Him
and gets His love becomes like a mirror - a mirror in which perfection of
others too is visible.
There is such inner strength that I get because of God's love that
even if somebody does something to hurt me, I don't allow myself to get
hurt. Even if people are saying negative things, they don't influence or
touch me in a negative way. I am so full with God's love that it naturally
flows out to those around me.
Accepting life as it is a multi-faceted concept. While it's good to
accept circumstances and people as they are, it would be unwise to act
out of blind faith or dejection: Either we say things will happen if
God or destiny wills it, or that things are never going to improve so
why bother... Both perceptions spread a negative vibration. Acceptance
means I don't confront a situation or person simply because things
aren't to my liking, as this drains me of energy I could use to
reform the problem. With a clear mind, heart open to the unexpected,
and willingness to make a difference, I link myself to God and take His
energy to be successful in my goals.
One of the highest forms of courage is the ability to face my own negativity
without feeling guilty or bad about myself, and then take responsibility for
changing it. To begin this process, I first make contact with my deepest
spiritual core. Reflecting on the things I care about mostly gives me a
glimpse of my innate goodness. Building on this, God will, if I let Him,
gently reveal in me a caring and compassionate nature that can even be
described as divine. The courage to let go of unwanted thoughts and
feelings will develop when I accept that my higher, divine self is not
separate from me, but lies at the very heart of who I am.
The Three Root Causes Of Anger
Any time we sense irritation, frustration or anger emerging inside our
consciousness, if we take a close look at it, we will notice we are fighting a
war in our consciousness with one of these three: either with another
person, most obviously or with the past or with our self.
We are at war with the past because our anger is always towards
something that has already happened and looking at it we react
emotionally which means we are trying to change it, which is
impossible. Any scene that has taken place a year ago, a month ago or
even a second ago cannot be changed. We may be completely convinced
and we may believe we can. That's because we hold this belief
subconsciously. Somewhere and sometime in the past, we have picked up
and absorbed the belief that the world and its circumstances should shape
up exactly as we want.
When our internal desire of a certain type of circumstances is
not fulfilled, or in other words something against this belief
happens, our instant reaction is one of the various forms of
anger and we tend to try and change the incident that has happened
in a far-off past or a past that has just gone by. We keep replaying a revised
incident, with words and actions that we would have liked and that suit our
convenience and we also keep nullifying the actual incident or remain in a
un-acceptance mode towards it. This is like fighting a war with the incident.
We tend to do this inside our minds, repeatedly, even realizing somewhere
deep within, that it is impossible.
As you start your meditation practice, you need to have in mind some
simple topics for your thought commentaries on which you base your
meditation. Repeat them gently. Doing that will give you enough time to
experience the feelings hidden inside them. Realization of thought
commentaries will help your thoughts to develop and your thoughts will
slowly expand as you now guide yourself in your meditation. Take up a few
simple topics or phrases as the foundation for your meditation. Initially,
listening to a guided meditation commentary on an audio cassette or CD,
which is available at any Brahma Kumaris center will be extremely helpful.
As you get an idea about what thought commentaries are all about, you can
gradually start creating your own powerful, positive, thought
commentaries. These will ultimately have more meaning for you because
they have been created by you and you will easily be able to relate to them.
You can continue to take the help of recorded commentaries, though, from
time to time.
Given below are a few topics for your thought commentaries,
which you would find helpful and which you can explore.
• I am a subtle (non-physical) point of consciousness, which resides within
this body (situated at the center of the forehead), I am the energy which
brings this body to life every day. I am the energy which uses this body to
see, to speak, to touch and to hear. I am the energy which experiences
everything via the body. But I am not this body
• I am a soul, a being of light, situated at the center of the forehead,
radiating pure light into my body, out towards others close to me and the
world. As I turn within and remember who I am, I experience my own
capacity to have pure love for all others. It is a generous (kind) love that
neither wants nor needs anything in return.
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