Sunday, October 7, 2018

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Taking Responsibility

To be a judge of the self means to be free from judging others

. Projection: The one who becomes the judge of the self and not that of others, is free from criticising others unnecessarily. Such a person also does not plead his own case by giving excuses and proving himself right. So he is able to bring about a positive change in himself and others are able to take inspiration from the change that he brings in his own life.

 Solution:  When I am free from giving excuses and reasons for things going wrong, specially to myself, I am able to experience progress in my life. For everything that happens, instead of blaming others I am able to take some new learning and use it for my own self-progress. I am able to remain light because I have no expectations from others, but am able to bring about a change in them through my actions. 

Very often I find myself leaving things to chance or to people. I tend to take care of big things and become careless in little things. When I leave things for others to take care and if they don't do it, I become disappointed - even if I have not delegated the task to be done. When I recognize the fact that I am fully responsible for the task at hand, both the big things and the little ones to be done, I'll never be careless. I'll make it a point to take care of every little aspect to the end. This is what will bring accuracy in my tasks and also enables me to delegate the work well.

Unloading Your Pressure Baggage

Sometimes the pressure we are carrying is related to the situation we are in, sometimes we even carry a pressure of one situation in another situation i.e. it is unrelated pressure. All this continues throughout the day, day after day. What all this pressure does is increase the quantity of thoughts that we carry in our mind, which in turn reduces our efficiency and discriminating and judging power. The words and actions coming out from such a state of mind are improper and lacking in power, conviction and clarity. To ensure that we do not carry pressure baggage on our emotional back, as per our pressure equation (shared in the first message of this series), we need to change the incorrect beliefs that we carry, which are the root cause of our pressure and at the same time increase our ability to bear the different life forces. We carry thoughts that are determined by our belief of what success is and what failure is, what winning is and what losing is. Although we perceive such beliefs to be true, they are not true; they are like a facade that influence our perception of reality and generate in us feelings of pressure. The truth, on the other hand, is deeper than beliefs. While meditation will serve as an important tool to increase our inner power to tolerate or resist life forces; spiritual knowledge, understanding and wisdom will serve as an immensely important tool which will help us in correcting our beliefs. So in times of pressure, stopping yourself for a minute and assessing your thoughts, then going backwards, and checking the beliefs which are the root cause of the thoughts at that particular moment and then changing them requires strength and clarity, which we will obtain through the medium of spiritual wisdom. Once the beliefs are corrected, the thought patterns will change. Thoughts like - * Maybe I won't arrive on time, * If I don't finish this assignment successfully, I will lose my next promotion, * If I lose my money in this financial investment, my family will stop appreciating me etc. which we create all the time - will be replaced by more positive thoughts of security, fearlessness, patience, peace, faith, determination, certainty etc. 


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