Honesty brings success in relationships.
Honesty means being the same inside out. Honesty with
oneself helps one to bring about constant improvement in the self. Honesty
with others enables one to relate positively under all circumstances. There
is no rudeness but there is an openness that brings about love towards the
other person.
When I am honest, I am able to experience progress in my own
life and others are benefitted too with my own self-progress. I am able to
maintain harmony in my relationship with others because I am open with
them and I find myself successful in my relationships.
Mind, Intellect and Personality
The Mind
With the power of the mind, one imagines, thinks and forms ideas. The non-physical mind should not be confused with the heart, the physical organ that maintains blood circulation.
The Intellect
The intellect understands, reasons, memorizes, discriminates and makes decisions. The non–physical intellect should not be confused with the physical brain, which is the physical focus of the nervous system.
The Personality
Habits and sanskaras are all embedded in the soul in the form of impressions as a result of every action performed. The most fundamental feature of every soul, its personality, is determined by such stored impressions.
It is easy to speak negatively when we do not like something about
someone. We first react to them in our mind and so tend to get angry.
Our words and behaviour would then naturally be negative and insulting
too. This further widens the gap and breaks the relationship. When
someone does something undesired, we first need to try and understand
his behaviour. Every person has a reason to behave the way he does. If
we can't understand at that time, we at least need to give it time.
The more we react to the other person and his behaviour, the greater
the distance that is created. So we need to begin the first step of
positivity by recognizing some positivity in him.
False Attractions In Actions
All that glitters (shines) is not gold. Life presents you with many illusionary
scenes, scenes in which what may be visible may not be the truth. These
scenes cause desires to be born inside you to achieve something
unnecessary for your prosperity or other types of fulfillments. These can be
illusions that make you believe that you will gain something from a
situation or person, without the same being true. Thus, you waste time
going down a path that not only leads you to disappointment; but you also
waste the resource of your thoughts and energy and as a result you tire
yourself out emotionally and mentally.
If the intellect is polluted, you make incorrect judgments and are
easily deceived by situations or people. Thus, you will make incorrect
choices, dishonest or illogical decisions. You will justify dishonesty
and improper actions and you will be incapable of differentiating
between the real and the imaginary. A person with a pure, clear, clean
and powerful intellect will act with honesty and sincerity. When your
intellect is polluted, you may act against your own conscience or against
your better judgment; you also may be insensitive. A person with a doubtful
intellect will always justify a dishonest act. Meditation is the process of
purifying and cleaning the intellect, because in meditation we connect with
the purest intellect, the intellect of the Supreme Soul or God. Meditation is
also a process of inner awakening and strengthening of your conscience.
Being awake means to realize, and being strong means to act
according to what you have realized.
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