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The Influence Of Your Thoughts, Intentions And Attitude On
Your Destiny
We can define three basic types of actions: 1. Actions which are impure, negative and unclear. 2. Actions which are pure, positive and clear. 3. Actions which are neutral.
Impure actions are those that are influenced by negative intentions, anger,
ego, bitterness, fear, rage, revenge, lust, attachment, dishonesty, greed,
laziness, jealousy etc. Positive actions are influenced by good intentions and
attitudes. They are actions ruled by kindness, forgiveness, love, joy, peace,
humility, generosity, sweetness, empathy, trust, unity etc. Neutral actions
are not dictated by a negative or positive consciousness and do not cause a
negative or positive result. Everything remains as it was. If you do
something with the intention of bringing benefit to someone but it does not
give the result you desired, you will not receive a negative return, because
your intention was good. However, if you carried out an action with
the intention of hurting someone, with emotions of revenge, and
that action did not hurt the other in the way that you wanted, you
will still receive the return of the energy that you have radiated
or thrown into the Universe.
We have to 'pay', or, in other words, we have to reap what we have sown or
have thrown into the Universe, through our actions, attitudes and
intentions. This is called paying off karma. That is, we have to settle the
accounts in order to clean the soul of the marks left on it by its negative
actions or intentions. We also reap the fruits of the good seeds that we have
There is a saying "No man is perfect", and so man slides below that
standard of worthiness into imperfection with seemingly popular
consent. So look around and see the results; no or incorrect
aspirations; falling standards externally as well as internally.
Because of imperfection, because we have accepted that man MUST
possess all the vices, because we think them to be the basic ingredient of
human nature, we are now tottering in the brink of personal and global
In scientific terms, perfection is accuracy and precision. Everything is
in its appropriate proportion and position. In human behavior,
perfection is the balance acquired between the various states of
consciousness. It is the balance that comes when the thoughts and
actions are totally harmonized in truth. Perfection is understanding
that every action, every thought, every breath would be geared towards
a specific purpose and direction - that of total positive self
realization. To realize one's self with clear vision and accurate
knowledge is to be perfect.
The biggest treasure of all is the treasure of experience
The one who has the treasure of experience is able to bring
benefit to others. He is clear in thinking and accurate in judgement. So he is
naturally able to give directions or corrections based on his own
experiences and is also successful in it. Also there is equality in what he
talks and does. Solution: To be an embodiment of experience means to learn from
everything that happens. So when I am able to become an embodiment of
experience, I am able to feel mastery over every situation that comes my
way. The power of my experience enables me to move lightly through all
When you free yourself of guilt, you live in peace within. You take on
responsibility and stop sentencing (punishing) yourself internally with
feelings of guilt. Taking on responsibility is constructive; it allows
all your potential to remain awake and flow. You feel free and
unburdened. When you get it wrong, you can find different methods to
relieve yourself of the burden that it might imply. For example, being
sorry for or feeling sad for something that you have done means
that you are aware that you have acted against your own
wellbeing or that of another. Realizing it is good; it is the base for
any positive change. The important thing is not to sentence (punish)
yourself. Learn the lesson. Say sorry, if it is the right thing. Put it right.
Remember that yesterday has already passed. The past cannot be changed.
You can't swallow the words that you said, since you already said them. You
can't repeat the scene from yesterday in a different way because it already
happened and stayed recorded on the film of this world drama. Therefore,
don't repeat the words or the scene in your mind over and over again; doing
that, you keep alive something that is dead, since yesterday already stayed
behind. Learn from the error and commit yourself to you and to your life,
promising to yourself that you will not fall over the same stone again. You
will think about it before speaking or acting.
Diamond alone can cut another diamond and a thorn alone will
have to be used to remove another thorn. The tendency to be
greedy can be cured by another facet of greed. Instead of
showing attachment towards worldly objects, one's attention
should be directed towards divinity. We can be greedy to acquire
spiritual knowledge. Let me possess a deep desire to develop
forgiveness, politeness, straightforwardness and peacefulness.
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