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Benefits Of Togetherness
The Benefits Of Togetherness Over Isolation
Nowadays, there are more and more people who are choosing to live alone.Perhaps the reason for that are experiences in the past of pain,peacelessness, rejection, disappointment or failure when living together, ina relationship or even more than one relationship. As a result, thepreference for living alone sets inside them. Perhaps, it is their alternativesearch for peace, happiness and success that leads them to make thisdecision. Also, the belief that if you live alone, you are free and you can dowhat you want, when you want and without having to explain yourself toanyone. But are we, as human beings, basically by nature, meant to livetogether or to live alone? Each human being has the need to belongand provide that feeling to others. You can belong to a family, a groupof friends, a bunch of close school or college students, some officecolleagues, a club, a community, a religious group etc. The merepresence of others; the participation, communication andcollaboration with others; the assistance provided to others andreceived from them and the sharing of positive energy withothers in a group; inspires and challenges us and othersimmensely. The same can happen, if we are staying alone, but toa limited extent. Greater inner spiritual empowerment takes place insidethose who live and work together, not those who distance themselves fromothers. In a group, we broaden our limits and make our heart bigger whenwe do things for others that we wouldn't do for ourselves.Each human being is a source of love for others. It is a basichuman nature to love and be loved, which is not possible unlessthere is some kind of unity or mutual belonging. Distancing orisolating oneself implies an absence of love, neither given or shared, neitherreceived.
Make every thought, word and deed such that the impact
gives someone courage and zeal and enthusiasm.
The Power of Silence
To enter into the experience of silence is not to be blank of thoughts or with
a feeling of inner emptiness. True silence is the silence of the mind in which
the generation of wasteful and negative thoughts has stopped and a feeling
of quietness, serenity (peacefulness) and harmony is generated. When the
mind is calm and becomes peaceful in this way, you develop the capacity to
observe and separate yourself from the things that surround you and you
see them from another perspective (angle). Silence connects you to the
power that can take you beyond the influence of any negative experience
and strengthens you to enjoy a positive and full life.
Victory is guaranteed to the ones who are constantly loving
Projection: The ones who are loving are able to involve others in
everything they do with their love. So whatever the task maybe, they find it
to be very easy and are able to accomplish the biggest task with ease. Also
each task done by them is with love and so everything is done with lightness
and so victory is guaranteed.
: When I am loving and do everything with love, I constantly
experience lightness, based on the blessings from others. I am carefree as
there is no heaviness of the task to be performed. Love transforms labour
into entertainment. My internal lightness enables me to do the biggest task
with great ease, involving everyone with love.
Mutual Cooperation
When there is a task to be done we usually want to do it all alone. We
look for someone who can help us, but we are not really able to create
an environment of mutual cooperation. So we find ourselves doing the
task all by ourselves and hence find ourselves alone. So we find that
even a task which is not so difficult takes a lot of energy and
thoughts. We might also end up having negative thoughts when we don't
experience the help that we should from others. When we are able to
recognize and use each and everyone's specialties for the success of a
task, we are able to inspire cooperation in others. This will enable
them too to learn the beauty of cooperation. Then there is
automatically an environment of learning, where each and everyone make
efforts to learn from what the other person has. There is then no
negativity due to unfulfilled expectations, but there is absorption of
positivity, making us richer.
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