Thursday, November 1, 2018

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The great enemy of peace is ego

The great enemy of peace is ego

The great enemy of peace is ego. Ego makes you judge others and think about them in an unkind way. It makes you force others to do what you want. In this way you forget you are a student and that you are here to learn.

The one who is open to learning always finds an opportunity to

  learn and change.

Life has plenty of opportunities for the one who wants to learn. Each situation and person that comes one's way is an instrument for a new learning. Constant learning brings about a deep internal change and progress in one's life.

Solution: When I am able to learn from all that happens, I am able to be content for both what I have learnt and the change that I have been able to bring about. This contentment also keeps me enthusiastic and my mind open for further learning. I naturally become an embodiment of what I have learnt. 


Tiredness spells trouble with a capital 'T'. We become tired and we fall asleep when we should be awake and the end result is Trouble. Or if we do not fall asleep, our standards drop and we become careless. People who have knowledge of the body can avoid physical tiredness. But what about the tiredness of the mind? The tiredness leaves you without a will, without spiritual power, which makes you want to give up not only on others but also on yourself. If we do not have an aim we are not using our time wisely and become tired because we are going nowhere fast. In today's world we do not always reap what we sow, but in the subtle laws every action is recorded and not effort goes unrewarded. When we forget that, we start feeling we are traveling in the night and get tired. The reason for this is because we forget who our True Guide is and do not follow his instructions.

Letting Go Of The Branches Of The Life Tree

A very common habit that has become deeply embedded inside us is the habit of possessing, to which we succumb repeatedly. We come in contact with different people, material comforts, roles, positions, experiences, achievements and of course our own physical body etc. on an external level and our own thoughts, viewpoints, beliefs, memories, etc. on an internal level etc. throughout our life. All of these are like branches that make up our life tree.

 Possession is like clinging on to one or the other of these different branches from time to time, as we fly from one branch to another, while covering our life journey. The spiritual point of view on this habit is clear and very straight forward. It is not possible to possess anything. If we do try to do so, we lose our freedom. To experience the freedom, we need to dare to let go of the branches, which does not mean to lose or leave them because the branches are always going to be there. We can return to any of them to rest or pause whenever we want. But, it is about being aware and alert, because the moment a pause on a branch turns into a stop, the stop turns into a brake and, after that, the brake turns into a blockage. As a result, like the bird whose flying agility degrades on a physical level if it does the same; our intellectual and emotional agility starts to degrade. 

When we learn to let go of one branch at a time, we are always welcoming new positive and empowering experiences in our life, one at a time. Like the birds, by letting go of one branch, we are then able to spend the rest of your lives trying and discovering many other branches, one branch at a time, and so we can enjoy the view from each new vantage point. We can choose between a life of flying and soaring or be stuck on one or the other branch, seeing others as they fly past and enjoy a life of freedom where they do visit their life tree from time to time and their life does revolve around the tree but they don't try and possess it or any of its branches.


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