Friday, November 9, 2018

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Self Transformation

Self Transformation

Meditation is an attempt to find the true self. It is this self which holds the identity of what I am, an identity which, when realized, gives fulfillment and direction to our life. This is what we call the consciousness of I am, which emerges in meditation when there is concentration on the present and we focus on the now of I am, rather than the past, or the future (I was, or I will be). To remind us of this state, we use the word ‘Om’, which means I am a soul, the spiritual identity that acts as a key to human consciousness. As we find and realize the true self through meditation, we become aware of the false self and how deeply embedded it is in our lives, both in our way of thinking and being.

 When we understand this illusory (false) self then we can begin the process of dissolving its negative effects on the original or true self.

The method to bring about a permanent change is to bring about newness in thinking. 

 To bring about a permanent change for the better means getting the mind trained to new ways of looking at the same situation. Only with this new understanding will there be a new response. Trying to bring about change in a superficial way will not bring about a long-lasting change. 

 When I train my mind to think creatively I'm able to keep my mind busy. In this way I'm able to free it from thinking negative and waste. Also I find myself enjoying every scene that comes in front of me and I also find myself constantly progressing. 

Strength of Character

Observe how easily the day would pass if you were able to move freely without being affected by the negative attitude of others. Imagine how much you can accomplish if you were able to remain constantly in a calm and peaceful state rather than fluctuating up one minute then down the next. Every time you lose happiness and go down, just see how much energy is needed to take yourself up again. If you learn to remain constant, not only is energy saved but you will find that your mental strength increases and of course with mental strength and stability come the development and maturity of character. Strength of character depends upon my ability to remain unaffected by adverse circumstances. 

Inculcating Powers Through Rajyoga Meditation - The Power To Tolerate 

Real tolerance is a state in which, firstly, I have to go inside and check how I can contribute positively to a difficult situation. If the difficult situation requires me to mould my own behavior, I have to be open about that and respond accordingly.

 Secondly, real tolerance requires understanding and humility in the self and sympathy towards others: realizing that at the deepest level, everyone's original qualities are love, peace and happiness and everyone wishes to experience these qualities and live with them and that when we behave badly towards one another, it's because we are suffering from a loss of these qualities, a loss which is temporary. That doesn't mean I have to invite another person to continue to insult me, or deliberately expose myself to negative situations. But if I happen to be in a situation where there is continuous insult or assault, understanding will contribute to my power to tolerate and accept it or walk away from it in peace.

Thirdly, real tolerance is that state of contentment, which comes only through the relationship with the Supreme, in which there is no impact from the assaults, other than to cause a response inside me of wanting to give, like the fruit tree (explained earlier). Forgiveness is the healing balm for an intolerant nature. When we move very far away from God, our tolerance level reduces. The nature we express becomes that of wanting, taking, needing, rather than our original nature, which is of giving and forgiving.

Letting Go of Mistakes

When you make a mistake, learn from it, resolve not to repeat it and then let it go. Do the same with others. Instead of making their mistakes bigger, dissolve them in your mind. This will help the other person to let go of their mistakes

Inculcating Powers

For most people today, if someone insults them, they'll immediately become angry or upset in return, so the situation not only remains unresolved but in fact becomes more complicated. Those who are virtuous may be able to remain content and smile for a while, responding with patience, but repeated insults and repeated efforts by the other person to bring them down will tire them until the 

point come where their tolerance levels are crossed and they will react.

If however, through my power of spirituality and meditation, I am receiving immense amount of strength from the Supreme Being, my heart will remain open and I won't count how many times the other person has harmed or insulted me. This may sound extremely difficult and may look like an impossible thing to do. Meditation, however, makes the impossible possible. Meditation gives me an experience of a very deep, personal relationship with the Supreme and helps me keep the Supreme as my constant companion, which gives me such power. It's immensely useful for anyone then to move towards that goal.

True tolerance is made possible by openness and acceptance. It doesn't mean clenching my teeth and carrying on, come what may. Suppression of my feelings can cause me internal, physical as well as emotional damage, and end in an outburst which can damage others too.


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