Monday, November 5, 2018

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Power of Silence

Power of Silence

Sometimes you are trying to remember something, its within your reach, on the tip of your tongue, but it is just isn't coming out. Everyone around is suggesting something or trying to help, but in reality not helping at all. You wish for a moment of silence, so that you can dive into your memory bank, for you know that is the only way you will be able to remember. This is the power of silence in action. Many, not recognizing its power, do not value it. They turn their heads away from the thought of a few moments of silence. They feel it a punishment.

 When we find our thoughts moving in many directions because of external demands on our attention, we need to stop, take a rain check on everything and experience silence. This power of silence is essential when we want to plan for the future; we should silence unnecessary thoughts and think of a point in question. So when you get an opportunity of a moment's silence, don't waste that precious moment. Use it to store the strength within that is so necessary for dealing with the world without.

The one who is calm and cool is the one who makes the right decisions.

 The natural nature of the human mind is to come under pressure and tension during negative situations. When there is a challenging situation, there is naturally the tendency to find it difficult to maintain an inner state of calm. But the one who has the ability to go within and find the inner calm is able to be clear in thinking and is able to make the right decisions. 

When I am able to experience the inner state of calm, I am able to be clear in my thinking. With this clarity I find the right decisions and solutions emerging very naturally within my mind. I will never have the difficulty of having to make decisions, but all decisions are made with ease and they are right too. 

Carrying Feelings Experienced In Meditation Into My Interactions

If I keep close contact with my internal self, to check what my feelings are like and I maintain the ‘meditative’ awareness at many moments during the day, even if it is for very short periods of time, I will find that the good feelings I have experienced through conscious choice, in meditation, I carry them with me into my interactions with others. Then, in any exchange, although the other person's thoughts, words or actions may not be as I would like them to be, I'll be better equipped to maintain a good feeling towards that individual, and towards myself.

 For example, I meditate in the morning and then leave home and find myself in a situation in the office where two of my colleagues are arguing over an issue. When I try and intervene, one of them gets aggressive with me as well, but the feelings of peace I experienced in my meditation a couple of hours ago are still with me, using which I do not reacting angrily or fearfully. In fact, if my peace is powerful enough, it will make the other one also peaceful.

 So the key is to emerge and collect positive feelings through meditation at regular intervals during the day. And then become a donor of positive feelings to negative situations as discussed above is an invaluable achievement. It is good for my own wellbeing, and for contributing to the creation of a peaceful atmosphere wherever I am, whenever required. 

Be Punctual 

 Be punctual. To arrive early, or right on time, is a sign of respect for yourself and others

. By being punctual you reduce your stress levels and avoid causing inconvenience to others. 

The key is planning. Allow extra time in your preparations and for any delays.
 Remember, getting ready, even locking the door, catching the lift, walking to the car, the tube... all takes time

. Maybe, the secret to punctuality is as simple as waking up when you're supposed to wake up! 


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